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What are the effects of Juananip on dogs?

Everyone has heard of using catnip for cats. It provides a harmless, euphoric sensation in cats that is entertaining for both cat and owner. It is used less in dogs because the effects are not nearly as dramatic, but the herb can still be beneficial

What is Juananip?

It’s all-natural, organic catnip! Catnip is a plant in the mint family that contains the essential oil, Nepetalactone. When combined with a toy, catnip is a new and exciting scent that keeps dogs engaged and encourages them to play with their toy lon

Does my dog have to be a certain age to use Juananip?

While there isn't much data on it, it's assumed that the catnip receptors in dogs develop along the same timeline as cats, which is around 6 months to a year old. There are some younger puppies that get the calming reaction before they are a year old

Is Juananip safe for dogs?

Yes! Catnip is safe and non-toxic for dogs. The worst that could happen if they were to ingest a large amount is an upset stomach or being drowsy. The effects will wear off after about an hour and do not pose any long term health risks. If your pet i

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